Tuesday 10 October 2023

Did Agatha Christie Drink Gin?


Joan Collins not Agatha Christie


On Tuesday morning with Earl Grey tea in bed I log on to Facebook 

grand dames I know are exploring exotic lands, one is floating down

the Nile on a river barge with men dressed in kaftans lifting striped

red sails and serving tea and cardamon cakes. The vessel looks

like the one used in the Agatha Christie film - Death on the Nile

I spy Hercule Poirot, famous Belgian detective on board.

The second is on a sun lounger at a villa beside a pool beside

The Tyrrhenian Sea on the tiny island of Cagliari, Sardinia, waving

at the camera wearing a Joan Collins wide straw hat.

I’m in Middle Shotover watching a hawk breakfast on rabbit kill in

the front paddock and the sun dry chilled green grasses through

my dusty windows where a lost bumble bee knocks asking to come

in and I start to wonder - which one of us is living the dream because

Agatha Christie was a teetotaller.

Jane Bloomfield

Collection 2023

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